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HomeBPW Denver & CO Virtual

Business and Professional Women Denver & Colorado Virtual

BPW Denver brings together vibrant women of diverse educational and professional backgrounds. We build community through advocacy, equality, mentoring, and friendship. We host events that foster learning, positivity, and empowerment both in person and virtually. Join us to make a true difference in your local community. When you join BPW Denver, you will find like-minded women active in the community advocating for justice, equity, equality, and inclusion who will help you thrive in life and in your career.

Meet our 2024 Board Members

President: Teressa Gehrke [email protected]
Vice President: Vera Sebulsky [email protected]

Treasurer: Cynthia Wieme [email protected]
Secretary: Damowa Biah [email protected]

BPW Denver Leaders
Meeting Details

BPW Denver meets on the 3rd Wednesday of the month from 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm MST. (For virtual meetings, we use Zoom.)

BPW Denver Board meetings occur on the 4th Wednesday of the month from 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm MST.


Our next event is Saturday, October 19th, 2024 at 4 pm MT. This is a virtual event with our Twinning city, BPW Hawera (New Zealand). We are bringing together our BPW sisterhood and doing a fun meet and greet with the Kiwis. Enjoy this special event as we introduce ourselves and learn more about the happenings in New Zealand. We're absolutely delighted to hold this special event. Keep a look out for a ZOOM link soon.

Join Teressa, the national Digital Training Chair, for an online event discussing internet safety. She will discuss Multifactor Authentication. What is it? How do you use it? What does it protect? Sign up with the following MFA event link.

Membership Pricing & Information
Sponsor: $450 - additional support to CO Women's Education Foundation/BPW Denver & CO Virtual chapter
Legacy: $215 - additional support to BPW CO and Virtual Chapter
Leader:     $100 - ages 36 and up
Young BPW: $100 - ages 18 through 35
Student/Intern:  $60 - attending higher education

BPW Denver Twinning with BPW Hawera - New Zealand
BPW Denver has a special bond with BPW Hawera - New Zealand. The twinning relationship was established in May 2020. The clubs foster friendships, promote equality, and support cultural exchanges.

What is Twinning? Twinning is when a BPW club connects with another one with a Twinning Charter. In the charter the two clubs agree to pursue some common interests, common goals, and build a closer relationship between them. BPW Denver and BPW Hawera believe in encouraging fellowship amongst women and supporting each other to achieve equality for all women through shared ideals and common goals.

Our Twinning History Our twinning was established in May 2020. As stated in our Certificate of Twinning, The aim is to foster friendship and mutual cooperation through the exchange of experiences and activities. Promote the BPW aim of equality and the achievement of common goals. Increase the effectiveness of international networking between business and professional women. Support the interchange of development opportunities.
Twinning Certificate